Introduction |
You can use this page like a helping tool for the webbrowser game Ogame. I'm working on this page very often so updates will come all the time. Just watch out for them. I will make this tools for everything you need are even more too the game. I will try me best to give you a one tool with everything you need. so you don't need to have more then just one extra window when you are playing. |
About this page |
This page is in the time coded for Internet Explorer(IE). But the site will work in other browsers but some things can look terrible. I'm working on to make this page looks the same in all the browsers but at the moment I'm just working on the tools so you can use them and then all the style will come. |
Have total control over what buildings you have to build and can build. What it will cost you and what you will get.  | Attack Simulator v1.3
Now you can simulate your attacks with the attack simulator. Get much info so you really know if it's worth it.  | Espionagerepport v2.2
Now you can copy your Espionagereppport to this page and get fast information.  |
Calc Resources
Easy calc your resources so you really know when you have it. This tool is also easy conected with the buildings-, technology-, ships- and defence-lists.  |
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int in /customers/6/7/8/jimmywest.se/httpd.www/other/calcogame/home.php:130
Stack trace:
#0 /customers/6/7/8/jimmywest.se/httpd.www/other/calcogame/index.php(289): include()
#1 {main}
thrown in /customers/6/7/8/jimmywest.se/httpd.www/other/calcogame/home.php on line 130